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That Led to This

August 1, 2012

There’s a fair amount of this, which sprung from that. If more than 6 of us understood why this came from that…maybe there’d be fewer Cabela’s stores?

If you remember why President Clinton was half-impeached for his seminal adventures, then you probably forgot why Nixon wasn’t imprisoned.  Which was pretty much the reason for Clinton, but not…pick any Bush.  That obviously led to this.

Why many a fake journalist told you that that…couldn’t possibly be involved with this…is exactly how that led to this.

That’s a lot to ponder.  But don’t ponder too long, because that could also lead to this.

If Bank of America had been prosecuted for doing the same thing as this, then maybe JPMorgan Chase would be more afraid of us.  But they’re not. Which led to this.

Clearly, we’re a racist land of half-wits, who fear God while watching the “Hawaiian” President…kill more Africans and various other brown-skinned humans — than any Bush believed they could get away with.

The reasons for much of this, that and more…has much to do with this.  Which of course leads to this, which then feeds these.

Reading that this has occurred…doesn’t in fact change that.

Is is hopeless to escape from much of this, that and more?  I don’t know, but for fucks sake…stop throwing them these.

That led to this
And this always leads to that
And this is all I have to say about
Much of that

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