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The Rich Worked Hard to Get Off

September 4, 2012


Every rich human since the beginning of rich humans about 6,000 years ago—has tried to get off at the expense of ‘the others‘.

The rich are lucky, because we believe they worked hard to get off by fucking us.
If I’d known that I was screwing the wrong humans in high school
I would have switched to screwing for all of us

Noah didn’t build the pretend Ark for free, so why do you interns at the HuffPost do it for free?
Sure I’m pretending that’s a deeper question than it appears on the surface.

The rich are lucky, because we believe they worked hard to get off by fucking us
If I’d known that I was screwing the wrong humans in high school
I would have switched to screwing for all of us

I dreamed of one day being able to dig ditch for 12 bucks an hour.  Digging ditch as union member for a local government, was our golden parachute…our golden parachute at 12 bucks an hour.  Goals were long-term and short.  A new truck every 10 years was for the long, while alcohol poisoning and a useless back…were for the short.

Glass-Steagall lead to the Patriot Acts.
9/11 lead to the Wall Street act.
Those acts were born of the Army Anthrax Attacks.
See the trillion-dollar wars and our rich 6,000 year history for more.

The rich are lucky, because we believe they worked hard to get off by fucking us
If I’d known that I was screwing the wrong humans in high school
I would have switched to screwing for all of us

…and there’s 46.7 million of us still eating, via Obama’s Reagan-like food stamps.

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