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Two and a Half Bush Brains

April 1, 2011

It’s a rare day when little George W. comes out of hiding, desperately trying to remind us that he is in fact, as stupid as his daddy thinks
he is.

So evidently, W and his bride are concerned for the welfare of the women of Afghanistan.  In fact, W is also concerned about pulling out too early.

First off, not unlike Crawford, Texas and half of the free world…I’m thinking the women of Afghanistan could give a fuck what little George and his bride think.  Second, it seems to me, that if the men of this planet just simply stopped sticking their dicks where they didn’t belong…the women of Afghanistan and the planet, wouldn’t have to dodge so many Vatican landmines.

Why little W is not sandwiched between a Rove and Yoo man sandwich at Guantanamo…is because Obama loves the executive order, endless war, the Patriot Act, Lockheed Martin and the women of Afghanistan, even more than Bush did.

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One Comment
  1. Tenzing permalink
    April 2, 2011 11:27

    “Second, it seems to me, that if the men of this planet just simply stopped sticking their dicks where they didn’t belong…the women of Afghanistan and the planet, wouldn’t have to dodge so many Vatican landmines.”


    As I’ve often said . . .


    Hear that, Norm?


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